Category: Ct homebuying tips

Clear the Sidewalk of Snow & Slush!tis the season!  Yesterday afternoon, we had a beautiful snowfall.  Guessing the amount to be,  somewhere in the four to six inches range.  This morning the snow turned into icy rain and now, has changed to all rain.  The temperature is forecasted to reach an average of 40.  In eastern Connecticut, it will be in the 50’s.  Welcome to New England, as the old saying goes, if you don’t like the weather just wait a day or so, it will change.

If you have your home for sale, be sure to clear the walks and driveway.  It may be warm during the day, but, the evening hours will bring colder temperatures and freezing of the melted slush.  Have all of your lights on today.  Homes show their best in the light of day, but, today offers no sunshine, so offer the buyers some additional lighting. 

Buyers should wear appropriate shoes, it is very wet and there is lots of puddling outdoors.  Bring along an umbrella, just to be sure.   I carry several in my vehicle, just in case a client doesn’t have one handy. 

Stay safe, dry & warm!

38 Days til spring!

Let Us Help You With Your Move!             Let Us Help You With Your Move!moving coach

Every buyer, whether you are a first time buyer or a move up buyer, has a goal with a completion date.  To find that new home.  Now, that we are in a buyer’s market, the goal is easier to obtain.  The pressure of multiple offers is gone.  The need to decide immediately on a house is no longer necessary.  It is more enjoyable.  You have time to make your choice.  The interest rates have remained low, so, if you find a product with a good price, and are able to negotiate well, you will be more comfortable with your payment.  The Sellers who have listed their homes are serious.  They want to sell their home to you.  Many homes may be on the market, but, not all of them are going to be on your wish list.  I request that my buyers make a wish list of the ideal home that they are searching for.   It assists me in finding the product, and helps them eliminate the ones in their search that don’t meet up with their needs.  Therefore, focusing on the ones that appeal to them the most.  Planning your showings, having a stratedgy, working with an agent who listens and cares for your needs is what will make this process a pleasant and memorable one. 

Fran Rokicki, Broker~Mentor Rates are low, market is active, let’s go find you a new home!  Whether you are a 1st time homebuyer, move-up or an investor, this is a good time to buy!  You now have time, choices, and if you have good credit, the sellers with the best, maintained and priced to go properties, would love to have you make them an offer! This is a good time to sell, too.  If you have maintained your home, and you are looking to move-up or relocate, we belong to a good referral network that covers the US & Canada.

  Contact us today!  (860)646-3455